Monday, November 24, 2008

Genuine or Not?

A few posts ago I was responding to an anonymous blogger (Greed and Having-It-All). I assumed it was a "he" but learned it is a "she". One of my readers Elaine posted a response to the blog and anonymous in Las Vegas responded to it.

Reading the response I am told that my writing does not come across as genuine. In addition that the use of the terms "we" as in "we, the women I write and speak for", is to self centered and should probably be more a "I."

Alright then, fair enough. When you write a book is there a different way to write other than the one I see it? It's not a documentary or a scientific paper - I write about my pragmatic way to see what is, what has been and how the heck I (and you) get from there to getting what you want. Am I the worlds greatest writer? Probably not and I am not expecting a Pulitzer Price for it. But, there is a thought...

If I would have listened to everyone who has an objection to what I think or do and that includes my own mother - I would not have become the American Dream. In fact, I would have never left Germany. I am here because I rolled up my sleeves and despite everyone else being more educated, smarter, richer, better, faster and further ahead, I did it anyway. What I learned is that I am now smarter, richer, better and faster and further ahead and I continue to educate myself. That is my story and that is the story that resonates. It is a story of hope and determination. Best of all it has a happy ending and it inspires others. The more women/people who know someone like me - the better. How many people do you know who actually made it big? Call it corny, stubborn, opinionated, crazy or plain egocentric - you could have a point here, I am not disagreeing. But it is genuine if for no other reason than it is in fact a true story (and its a really good one, too.) I only write about what I know and what works for me. If it worked for me maybe it can work for others as well?

It doesn't stop here though. I truly believe that by sharing what I have learned from the school of hard knocks with other women that I can help them to do their own trailblazing. Selfish or selfless? Does it matter? Results are what matters.

Talking about results. I am an Entrepreneur before I am anything else. If I know about one thing it is to design a product/idea, make it work, brand it and sell it. My book is a product and it will only be a great one if it feels a need. There is no scientific study on KARL or ego-RHYTHM (yet). But the test group of fifty that has read the draft now and responded to both, the method and the concept seem to.... Too bad I can't tell you yet, I have to wait until all fifty are back to share the data about what is said. Again, I need to stay neutral until the responses are back to give everyone a chance to voice their opinion.

Anonymous in Las Vegas, be assured that while I thought it up, designed it, wrote it, believe in it and know it works, that there is much input that goes into the book to make it great. The bestselling book "Women Who Want It All and Get It, Too," will be a bestseller for only one reason - it hits a nerve and it is timely.

It is not for everyone though. I am not trying to be everything to everyone. When I speak I open by saying that the listeners will only remember from the keynote that I am about to give what applies to them - forget the rest. This is no different. I am not preaching, it's not gospel, it is what I know works. Take from it what works for you or nothing at all.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Feedback is coming in

Today I am feeling like a million bucks. Thus far I have heard from 25% of the test group that are returning their feedback to me and I can't stop smiling.

While I can't share too much yet as I want to remain neutral and not influence anyone's opinion (yet) of my book "Women Who Want It All and Get It, Too" I can say I am pleased.

The concept of ego-RHYTHM is in the easiest format described as everything comes in due time. Being happy or a mom, having bad luck or putting emphasis on family and health are just some of the rhythms that are outlined in the book. Knowing that what you are going through at this very moment (today) might just be a string of bad luck - gives you permission to stop beating yourself up for not being in a better position. You also learn as you go through the exercises and write up your want-it-all list how to focus on the good stuff ahead of you. Which is what we must remind ourselves of especially in times like these. The world will not panic forever, this too, shall pass.

The book gets good feedback from some of the male readers in the test group as well. When my boyfriend and I flew to Canada he was reviewing the draft. In his company he is part of the executive senior management and used to red-line documents and proof proposals. This was truly the first time since I 'retired' from my day-to-day job that he would see or read or review something that I have done. We are in the plane, I pretend to read something else but couldn't help to notice some eye-rolling, loud turning of pages, a sigh here and there and I am thinking to myself that he thinks it's terrible. I try to be invisible and sink into my seat more and more. Another half hour later he looks at me, takes my script, gives me a serious look and proceeds to tell me that I didn't explain something well enough. As I listen to his argumentation I started to laugh and said: "Wait a minute, you just learned the concept of ego-RHYTHM over the last hour and you are already explaining to ME why I did not explain my own concept in my own draft well enough." I took a breath and felt very reassured that I am onto something big.

As a reminder my concept of ego-RHYTHM and the method of KARL are universal and apply to men and women alike. It is only the book that I am writing that is geared specifically to women. The reason is obvious - I am a specialist on wanting it all, because I refused to believe that there was something I could not do or achieve.

Who knows, maybe there is a series: Men Who Want It All, Teens Who Want It All...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Posted new FREE Audio

Just posted a new MP3 on my website. If you want to listen to a free 30 minute audio between founder Gail Lynn Goodwin and myself - sign up at

And - go vote today.