It is free the day it is posted, but it is a subscription service after that. I am hoping to make this interview available as a free gift shortly on my website. If you sign in on the system will notify you when new audio's are available. Right now when you sign up you get to listen to a 10 minute free audio, not available anywhere else.
Welcome to my Blog. I developed a concept called ego-RHYTHM and I am writing a book about it. While it's not finished you can come here and take a look at some of things that I am working on. Beate Chelette
Can't seem to see the interview. Is there some trick to seeing it? Do I have to spend $$$ and sign up for the service?
It is free the day it is posted, but it is a subscription service after that. I am hoping to make this interview available as a free gift shortly on my website. If you sign in on the system will notify you when new audio's are available. Right now when you sign up you get to listen to a 10 minute free audio, not available anywhere else.
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